Sponsor Deals

Partnership by sponsor deals

We think that our project, Shouraizou, can give your company great opportunities by making a sponsor deal to get in touch with students from our faculty, not only those who participate, but almmost every student at the faculty. That's because Shouraizou gets a lot of attention, so people are watching us.

What exactly can we do for each other?

The things we are looking for are either money or facilities. Facilities can be almost everything to help us on our way through Japan. From laptops to buss trips to clothes, overnight stays in Japan, backpacks, etc. Of course your company wants something in return and we are very open-minded and creative to help your company. Hundreds of options can be mentioned to:
  1. get in touch with students (possible future employees) from Electrical Engineering.
  2. market your company's name or your brand names.
  3. earn goodwill: make other companies, institutes or people aware of your company's willingness to support Shouraizou.
  4. get in touch with academic staff members from the university.
A few of all the possiblilties to realize one or more of the above mentioned goals are:
  1. Placing advertisements in reports, on posters, flyers, clothing, folders, other accesoiries, etcetera;
  2. Giving a presentation;
  3. Sending e-mail, flyers or letters to our participants;
  4. Giving a trainee course;
  5. Placing a banner of your company on our site;
  6. etcetera...
And of course this can be combined with an excursion to your company and/or a contract research.