This is the website of the Shouraizou study project, which ended April 2005. The project has been a tremendous succes.
The website is archived to give you an insight into the project. Please notice that most content will be outdated and not applicable anymore.
Download the published reports ('Download Reports') or contact us ('Contact Information') for more information about Shouraizou.
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Photo Album: Macro-presentations
Order By:  Newest | Oldest  First List Albums | Slide Show

Limits: 1 | 4 | 9 <<   [ 1 ]   >>

Participants get feedback during their presentation.
Participants get feedback during their presentation.

Prof. de Boer gives some comments as well.
Prof. de Boer gives some comments as well.

From a participants point of view.
From a participants point of view.

There is much time for questions and discussion.
There is much time for questions and discussion.

Martin is filming everything.
Martin is filming everything.

Jasper doing his presentation.
Jasper doing his presentation.

Bert talking about innovation policy.
Bert talking about innovation policy.

Not only consultants talk with their hands.
Not only consultants talk with their hands.

Participants are eating their pencils.
Participants are eating their pencils.

Limits: 1 | 4 | 9 <<   [ 1 ]   >>

In cooperation with
University of Twente

Werken bij Philips
Careers at Shell