This is the website of the Shouraizou study project, which ended April 2005. The project has been a tremendous succes.
The website is archived to give you an insight into the project. Please notice that most content will be outdated and not applicable anymore.
Download the published reports ('Download Reports') or contact us ('Contact Information') for more information about Shouraizou.
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Photo Album: Philips excursion
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...where we got an introduction and lab demos...
...where we got an introduction and lab demos...

...followed by a symposion after the lunch...
...followed by a symposion after the lunch...

...with lectures by Prof. Takeuchi-san from Japan...
...with lectures by Prof. Takeuchi-san from Japan...

...Prof. Stam-san from Erasmus and Twente University...
...Prof. Stam-san from Erasmus and Twente University...

...and Dr. Aalders-san from Philips.
...and Dr. Aalders-san from Philips.

After this symposion it was time...
After this symposion it was time... have a drink together... have a drink together... bussiness cards... bussiness cards...

...and discuss the excellent day...
...and discuss the excellent day...

...before going home to Enschede.
...before going home to Enschede.

After quite a long trip...
After quite a long trip...

...we arrived in Eindhoven...
...we arrived in Eindhoven...

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In cooperation with
University of Twente

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